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GeminiCap运营总监Alex Praill大中华区媒体专访之行惊艳启航

作者:Gemini Capital Markets阅读:发布时间:2019-07-02 08:56:24
​ 2019年在7月1日正式迎来另一半的开始,这也意味着GeminiCap陪伴广大投资者又走过一段奋斗的岁月,在过往的181天里,GeminiCap始终恪守全方位助力投资者的初心,从完善基础设施到丰富产品数量、从保障资金安全到守护交易环境、从资深运营团队到完善培训体系、从贴心管家服务到惊艳全国巡展……GeminiCap用无数次的奋进努力,让积淀闪闪发光!



而今天(7月1日),领衔GeminiCap核心管理团队的汇界大牛——GeminiCap运营总监Alex Praill从总部伦敦抵沪,正式开启大中华区媒体专访之行。本次专访囊括多家业界知名媒体,为期三天。

专访首日,Alex Praill接受了外汇联盟及数汇财经的专访,双方共同探讨了GeminiCap迅速拓展、广获人心的“秘诀”。Alex Praill在专访中深刻阐释了GeminiCap的运营理念、区别于其他经纪商的优势等内容:他指出,一直将客户体验作为首要目标,带给客户稳健及安全的交易环境是GeminiCap对自身最基本的要求,并且GeminiCap不仅仅是一家经纪商,而更像是广大投资者的成长大本营;至于差异化优势,Alex则向媒体介绍了来自英国劳合社成员之一ARCH Syndicate 2012的100万美金客户资金保险与VIP蓄能坊辅佐政策等等内容。 首日完美收官,后续精彩不断,邀您持续关注~



Every day, investors from 255 countries and regions choose Gemini Capital Markets for trading in a wide range of FX trading platforms. Gemini Capital Markets is founded in the financial center of London as an online trading platform of IX Capital Group Limited, a UK FX trading platform. Gemini Capital Markets was officially stationed in China in 2017, and was quickly expanded to the entire Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East, Hong Kong, Thailand, Dubai, Taiwan. What secret can make Capital Group Limited expand so quickly, let us invite Alex Prail, Head of Operations of Capital Group Limited, to personally explain!


在全球,每天都有来自255个国家和地区的投资者,在琳琅满目的外汇交易平台中,选择了Gemini Capital Markets进行交易,作为英国老牌外汇交易平台IX Capital Group Limited旗下线上交易平创立于世界金融中心伦敦,2017年正式进驻中国,并迅速拓展至整个亚太地区及中东地区,香港、泰国、迪拜、台湾纷纷展露头角,究竟是什么样的秘诀,能让Capital Group Limited这么迅速的拓展,让我们邀请Capital Group Limited的英国执行总监Alex Prail亲自来说明!

Alex Prail

We are Gemini Capital Markets, an online trading broker of IX Capital Group Limited (hereinafter referred to as IXCG), which is dedicated to providing efficient, convenient and comprehensive FX trading services for individuals and institutional investors!

The biggest advantage of our team is that we have accumulated more than accumulated 50 years of industry experience in the international financial services field, from FCA and other regulatory license applications, to rigorous risk management, to legal compliance, the core team members are experienced and discerning leaders. The visionary decision-making and highly professional core empowerment make GeminiCap stand out from many platform brands and become a trusted partner of many investors.

GeminiCap's core leadership team consists of three members and all are the best in their fields. I worked as the Head of Operations, and at the beginning of my career in the financial services industry, I joined the IG Group, where I was responsible for providing guidance and advocacy to the business unit to ensure that customers receive a nice service experience at all levels. Aldrius Low is Head of Risk and Technology and has extensive experience in the spot FX and CFDs industry in the retail and institutional sectors, including liquidity management, risk management, technology infrastructure construction, system implementation and development of new products. Anthony Stubbs is Commercial Director with a successful career in wealth management and private banking in the Bahamas and is currently Chairman of the Bahamas Investment and Securities Business Association (BISBA).

我们是"Gemini Capital Markets是国际金融服务集团IX Capital Group Limited(以下简称IXCG)旗下的在线交易经纪商,致力于为个人与机构投资者提供高效、便捷,全面的外汇交易服务!

GeminiCap的核心领导团队由三位成员组成,均是各领域的佼佼者。我任职运营总监,而在进入金融服务行业之初我就入职了IG Group,负责向业务部门提供指导和宣导,以确保客户在各个层面获得优质的服务体验。Aldrius Low任职风险管理与技术总监,他在零售业和机构领域的现货外汇和差价合约行业拥有丰富的经验。包括流动性关系管理、风险管理、技术基础设施建设、系统实施以及新产品的开发。Anthony Stubbs任职商务总监,其在巴哈马的财富管理和私人银行业务方面有着成功的职业生涯,目前是巴哈马投资和证券业务协会(BISBA)主席。

GeminiCap's Company Philosophy?



Different from the general financial derivatives in the market, we always regard the client experience as the primary goal, and bring stable and safe trading environment to our customers is our most basic requirement.

In addition, GeminiCap is more than just a broker. It is more like your growth base. With us, you will be supported by a think tank. At the same time, our 200 lessons of systematic online courses and training courses will also become The cornerstone of every step of your trading path.

For our cooperated partners, we are the only one in the world launching the first investment exploration tour in Asia, planning seven days and six nights of exotic luxury travel, full car treatment, and inviting customers who have been accompanying Gemini for a long time to join the private villa party and experience the yacht sea. Fishing around the island.

We are very confident. Such high-quality customer services are definitely the services that other platforms cannot offer.

In order to better help the investors, GeminiCap launched the national exhibition series of conferences (hereinafter referred to as exhibition). As of June 26, 2019, the tour has already passed Shanghai and Xi'an. Four cities in Guangzhou and Guangxi always take the “resolving the real needs of customers” as the first priority. Invite professional lawyers to share the cases of investor practices and invite senior lecturers in the field to link for investors: training, technique exchange, and trading psychology, and transactional behavior, trading aids and other resources, each field is full of high-end output. Each station have built a high-quality communication bridge for the participants. The tour allowed the guests to bring questions and bring the plan back, providing a platform for all participants to communicate and learn advanced. Its continuous evolution is also a testament to GeminiCap's initial support for investors.




为了更好的助力广大投资者,GeminiCap特推出【破冰环境之压 蓄力市场元气】闭门会议全国系列巡展(以下简称巡展),截至2019年6月26日,巡展已走过上海、西安、广州、广西四个城市,始终以“解决客户真需”为第一要义,邀请专业律师为投资者做法务合规案例分享,邀请领域资深讲师为广大投资者链接:培训教育、技术交流、交易心理、及交易行为学、交易辅助工具等等多方资源,每一场都高段位输出满满干货,每一站都为与会者搭建起一架高质量的沟通桥梁。巡展让来宾带着问题来,携着方案归,为所有参与者提供了沟通交流、学习进阶之平台,他的不断推进,亦是对GeminiCap始终助力投资者初心的印证。


In addition to the experienced team, does Gemini Capital Markets have special services compared to other brokers?

除了经验的丰富的团队外,Gemini Capital Markets有没有相较于其他经纪商更优质的服务呢?


Our platform provides the most various investment target in the market, including foreign exchange, index, commodities and MT4. It is easy to place orders on the platform whenever and wherever you want, and more importantly, “Costumers are always the first”. Respecting the concept, we attach great importance to the safety of our clients' funds, and adopt additional protection measures to protect your funds by the $1 million Excess of Loss insurance provided by ARCH Syndicate 2012, a member of Lloyd's from England!

In addition, we provide 200 lessons of tutorial and training services, allowing customers to have a comprehensive understanding of MT4 basic knowledge, technical knowledge, advanced trading psychology, trading behavior, and in the FX market.

We have launched VIP partner energy storage workshops, from competitive trading conditions, custom incentives, to professional butler-type think tanks and senior co-analysts, as well as customer operations training and branding. Enhance training, from event planning, textbook design, to offline salons, each of which we will assist, we adhere to the ultimate in professionalism. Mutual benefit and win-win is our aim, and we are willing to lay a solid foundation for your business.

我们平台提供了市面上最多元的投资目标,包含了外汇、指数、大宗商品以及MT4,透过手机就能不论何时何地轻松地在平台上下单,更重要的是我们以客为尊的理念,我们非常重视客户资金的安全,并且采用额外保护的措施,由英国劳合社成员之一ARCH Syndicate 2012所提供的100万美金Excess of Loss保险,为您的资金保驾护航!


本文标题:GeminiCap运营总监Alex Praill大中华区媒体专访之行惊艳启航,收录于FW融语财经:平台动态栏目,由作者注册账号自主在后台发布,本站仅作为展示平台。文章包含的任何信息都与本站无关,请读者理性甄别信息是否有效,若内容中存在任何侵权、不实和违规信息,可通过邮箱与我们取得联系及时清理!














